David: But we have the most extensive distribution network in Italy for the type of products that you sell. 大卫:但是,我们公司在意大利有适合你们产品销售的最大的经销网。
With great variety, large quantity and extensive distribution, power electronic equipment faults need to have on-line fault diagnosis and maintenance. 电力电子装置故障具有种类多、数量大和位置分布广的特点,需要进行在线诊断和维护。
This extensive distribution network not only allows us to achieve high efficiency, but also to be able to provide reliable service and high quality products to customers. 这个组织完善的销售网络,令南顺可以最高效率,为各地的顾客提供稳健可靠的优质产品。
Irn-Bru is produced at its bottling plants in Russia and is distributed through PBG's extensive distribution network. 智能道路网,布鲁产生在俄罗斯的装瓶厂,并通过光子带隙的分布广泛的分销网络。
Which is the largest number and the most extensive distribution of an diversified indigenous culture of Qinghai ancient cultural relics? Where did it be found? 青海省古代各种文化遗址中数量最多、分布范围最广的一种土著文化是什么文化?发现于哪里?
Such a biogenic shoal microfacies is characterized by extensive distribution, smooth top and thin sedimentary thickness. 生物浅滩具有分布范围广、顶面平坦、沉积厚度较小的特征。
They are characterized by extensive distribution, big thickness, higher contents and better leaching rate. 具有分布面广、厚度大、品位较富、浸取率高的特点。
The reservoirs are Cretaceous-Eocene sandstone and the cap rocks are mud shales with great thickness and extensive distribution. 储层为白垩系&始新统砂岩,盖层为泥页岩,厚度大,分布广。
Debris Flow forming on hill slope is triggered by heavy or torrential rains, usually with small scale, sudden occurrence, strong destructive power, prediction difficulty and extensive distribution. 山坡型泥石流具有规模小、暴发突然、破坏力强、预测困难、分布地区广泛等特征,在大暴雨或特大暴雨的激发下,常成群成带发生,危害极大。
The relationship between AFP's extensive distribution during the embryonal developmental stages and its physiological significance are discussed. 对AFP在胚胎期的广泛分布与其生长发育之间的关系作了讨论。
Hunan is one of the provinces in China suffering from serious geological hazards with many types and extensive distribution. 湖南省是我国一个地质灾害高发省份,地质灾害种类多,分布广。
Groundwater is an ideal water supply source because of its extensive distribution, good quality, steady regime, convenient for use and not easy for suffering from contamination etc. as compared with surface water. 和地表水相比,地下水具有分布广泛、水质良好、变化稳定、便于利用、不容易受污染等优点,因此它是理想的供水水源。
The Permian system has the extensive distribution in these basins. 二叠系在这些盆地有着广泛的分布。
Layered soils has been an extensive distribution in the nature. 层次性土壤在自然界有广泛的分布。
To the more extensive distribution condition, the paper adopts the theory of ordered statistics and the extreme value theory, and gives a simplified computing method of structure response reliability. 对更广泛的分布形式,文中利用有序统计和极值理论,给出结构响应的可靠度简化计算方法。
Because of firm molecular skeleton, extensive distribution and biological activity, at present, defensin is being studied widely. 由于其有牢固的分子骨架、广泛的分布以及生物活性,对它的研究已成为当前国际研究热点。
In the development of higher education from the elite-targeted stage to the mass-oriented stage, not only the diversification of higher education structure is required, but also the extensive distribution of institutions of higher learning is demanded. 高等教育在由精英阶段向大众化阶段发展过程中,既需要高等教育机构的多样化,也需要其布局的合理性。
Results CCO, LDH, SDH, AChE and NOS had the extensive distribution in cercariae. The enzyme activity was high in the head organ, ventral sucker and tail stem of cercariae. 结果CCO、LDH、SDH、AChE和NOS在尾蚴的头器、腹吸盘和尾干部位的酶活性较高。
The reasons for the fast spread of the insect in Yunnan Province are extensive distribution of its hosts, suitable reproductive condition, high population density, multiple spreading ways, and so on, which lead to the direct and potential endangerment. 由于该虫在云南省的寄主分布广,繁殖条件适宜,加之扩散途径多、种群密度大等因素,致使分布范围迅速扩散,造成极大的直接和潜在危害。
Igneous rock reservoirs are characterized by their extensive distribution, long geologic time and no exclusiveness of rock types. 火成岩油气储层具有分布范围广、地质时代长、不具岩石类型的专属性。
Carrying out the information extracting to the extensive distribution burned rock in the research area. 7. 对研究区广泛发育的烧变岩信息进行了提取研究。
Cleanliness, extensive distribution and other characteristics of photovoltaic energy, make it rapidly developed and widely used. 光伏能源的清洁性、分布广泛性等特点,使得其得到快速发展和广泛运用。
Mudstone, sandstone is the measured area of the most extensive distribution of the rock. 泥岩、砂岩是测区分布面积最广泛的母岩,其次为碳酸盐岩。
Silt has an extensive distribution in China, it is neither clay nor sandy soil and possesses the distinctive engineering characteristics. 粉土在我国的一些地区分布非常广泛,其既不同于粘性土,又有别于砂土,具有独特的工程特性。
Ubiquitin-protein expression in various stages of the cattle early parthenogenetic embryos showed extensive distribution of green fluorescence throughout the cytoplasm, nucleus and membrane is higher than in cytoplasm. 泛素蛋白在牛早期孤雌胚胎的各阶段均表达,绿色荧光在整个胞质呈广泛性分布,细胞膜下和细胞核区绿色荧光略强于细胞质。
Hui is a young nationality, but her form has achieved relatively rapid development after several hundred years, and Hui is a most extensive distribution minority group. 回族是一个比较年轻的民族,但她在形成后的几百年中,发展比较迅速,而且回族是中国分布最广泛的一个少数民族。
Leymus chinensis steppe is a distinctive formation in the east of Eurasia steppe region, and has a extensive distribution in the steppe region of China. This steppe is one of types with high utilization value. 羊草草原是欧亚大陆草原区东部的特有群系,是我国草原带分布面积很广的草原群系之一,并且是经济利用价值最高的草原类型。
The recessive genic male sterility ( RGMS) systems have been the important ways for utilizing heterosis in rapeseed because of their stable and complete sterility, extensive distribution of restorers and no negative cytoplasmic effect. 隐性细胞核雄性不育具有不育性稳定彻底、恢复源广和不存在胞质负效应等优点,成为油菜杂种优势利用的一条重要途径。
Extensive distribution of the saline-alkali soil has influenced the growth and distribution of the area vegetation type. 盐碱土的广泛分布,在一定程度上影响了地带性植被类型的发育和分布。